Dr. David Hemry
Dr. Hemry graduated in 1962 from the University of Wyoming. While there, he learned to fly in the Cessna 140 based at the Laramie airport (7200 ft MSL). He has been engaged in aviation at one level or another since then, including service as a smoke jumper for the USFS in the 1960’s.
Dr. Hemry received his medical degree from the University of Rochester in New York in 1966. He then undertook further post graduate training at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester which included a year as Chief Resident in Internal Medicine followed by a fellowship in allergy and immunology. He is board certified by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Allergy and Immunology.
Dr. Hemry has lived in Alaska since 1968 when he was assigned to Ft. Richardson for three years active duty as a military doctor. He subsequently served another 23 years in the Alaska Army National Guard, including several years as the ARNG Alaska State Surgeon. In 1974 he opened a private medical practice in Anchorage and actively practiced clinical medicine for 35 years.
In 1969 he acquired a 1948 model Cessna 170 which he flew for several years ranging from Fairbanks to New York and New Orleans. Most of his flight hours have accrued in his 1955 Cessna 180 on floats. In 1991 he was a participant in the Alaska Airman’s Association’s first group flight to the USSR involving some 35 pvt aircraft.
In 2008 Dr. Hemry became certified as an FAA AME and joined with Aviation Services of Alaska. He enthusiastically endorses the philosophy of serving as the pilot’s advocate while monitoring and promoting the health factors which contribute to safe flying and pilot longevity.